What is intuitive eating? Intuitive eating has become popular over the years. Intuitive eating is a practice that encourages you to tap into your natural hunger, fullness, craving and taste satisfaction cues. It ditches the diet mentality, and asks you to follow your natural wisdom when making food decisions
What are the signs that someone should consider intuitive eating? It may be a good idea to start ditching the diet mentality if you are obsessed with dieting and miserable. Maybe you are caught in cycles of restricting and bingeing. Maybe it is interfering with your social life - going to eat may cause you stress, and you find yourself obsessing over restaurant menus and calorie counts.
What are some of the benefits of intuitive eating? The biggest benefit of intuitive eating is that, over time, you will start to have a calm approach around food. You will no longer obsess about food or your body image. Your body will reach a natural, healthy weight (for you) and will stop fluctuating. You will be able to be more present with other aspects of your life instead of obsessing over your body and food. Research shows that intuitive eating is associated with a lower BMI, better psychological adjustment, and increased well-being
What would you say to someone who is afraid to eat intuitively because they
don't want to gain weight/be unhealthy? The changes may be scary over time. However, once you let go of the restriction mindset, you can start treating food in a different way: it's there if you want it, you can have it anytime, and you don't have to have it all now. You will be able to be present for every bite and stop when you are satisfied.
What are your tips to successfully adopt intuitive eating? I highly recommend you read Evelyn Tribole's book, Intuitive Eating, and the accompanying workbook. If you need extra help, consider working with our team or another eating disorder specialist